2022 is coming to an end and it’s time to set resolutions for 2023.

For me, the best way to start the year strong is to reflect on the past year. These are some of the prompts that I used to reflect on this 2022:

  • What made 2022 a successful/unsuccessful year?
  • Wins of 2022
  • 2022 was the year that..
  • List of people I am grateful for
  • Game changers
  • Life lessons learned in 2022
  • In what areas of my life I have been making excuses for?

Now, time to set objectives. I find that the best way to set those successfully is to follow the S.M.A.R.T technique.

P.S.: Also, this year is going to be an all year for me. I took this concept from a video by Annie Long. This concept asks a very interesting question, what would happen if you put all your effort for 365 days? That means no excuses nor being lazy, etc. I would recommend you making this journey entertaining, so you don’t burn out.

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